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- Welcome to cJSON.
- cJSON aims to be the dumbest possible parser that you can get your job done with.
- It's a single file of C, and a single header file.
- JSON is described best here: http:
- It's like XML, but fat-free. You use it to move data around, store things, or just
- generally represent your program's state.
- First up, how do I build?
- Add cJSON.c to your project, and put cJSON.h somewhere in the header search path.
- For example, to build the test app:
- gcc cJSON.c test.c -o test -lm
- ./test
- As a library, cJSON exists to take away as much legwork as it can, but not get in your way.
- As a point of pragmatism (i.e. ignoring the truth), I'm going to say that you can use it
- in one of two modes: Auto and Manual. Let's have a quick run-through.
- I lifted some JSON from this page: http:
- That page inspired me to write cJSON, which is a parser that tries to share the same
- philosophy as JSON itself. Simple, dumb, out of the way.
- Some JSON:
- {
- "name": "Jack (\"Bee\") Nimble",
- "format": {
- "type": "rect",
- "width": 1920,
- "height": 1080,
- "interlace": false,
- "frame rate": 24
- }
- }
- Assume that you got this from a file, a webserver, or magic JSON elves, whatever,
- you have a char * to it. Everything is a cJSON struct.
- Get it parsed:
- cJSON *root = cJSON_Parse(my_json_string);
- This is an object. We're in C. We don't have objects. But we do have structs.
- What's the framerate?
- cJSON *format = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root,"format");
- int framerate = cJSON_GetObjectItem(format,"frame rate")->valueint;
- Want to change the framerate?
- cJSON_GetObjectItem(format,"frame rate")->valueint=25;
- Back to disk?
- char *rendered=cJSON_Print(root);
- Finished? Delete the root (this takes care of everything else).
- cJSON_Delete(root);
- That's AUTO mode. If you're going to use Auto mode, you really ought to check pointers
- before you dereference them. If you want to see how you'd build this struct in code?
- cJSON *root,*fmt;
- root=cJSON_CreateObject();
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "name", cJSON_CreateString("Jack (\"Bee\") Nimble"));
- cJSON_AddItemToObject(root, "format", fmt=cJSON_CreateObject());
- cJSON_AddStringToObject(fmt,"type", "rect");
- cJSON_AddNumberToObject(fmt,"width", 1920);
- cJSON_AddNumberToObject(fmt,"height", 1080);
- cJSON_AddFalseToObject (fmt,"interlace");
- cJSON_AddNumberToObject(fmt,"frame rate", 24);
- Hopefully we can agree that's not a lot of code? There's no overhead, no unnecessary setup.
- Look at test.c for a bunch of nice examples, mostly all ripped off the json.org site, and
- a few from elsewhere.
- What about manual mode? First up you need some detail.
- Let's cover how the cJSON objects represent the JSON data.
- cJSON doesn't distinguish arrays from objects in handling; just type.
- Each cJSON has, potentially, a child, siblings, value, a name.
- The root object has: Object Type and a Child
- The Child has name "name", with value "Jack ("Bee") Nimble", and a sibling:
- Sibling has type Object, name "format", and a child.
- That child has type String, name "type", value "rect", and a sibling:
- Sibling has type Number, name "width", value 1920, and a sibling:
- Sibling has type Number, name "height", value 1080, and a sibling:
- Sibling hs type False, name "interlace", and a sibling:
- Sibling has type Number, name "frame rate", value 24
- Here's the structure:
- typedef struct cJSON {
- struct cJSON *next,*prev;
- struct cJSON *child;
- int type;
- char *valuestring;
- int valueint;
- double valuedouble;
- char *string;
- } cJSON;
- By default all values are 0 unless set by virtue of being meaningful.
- next/prev is a doubly linked list of siblings. next takes you to your sibling,
- prev takes you back from your sibling to you.
- Only objects and arrays have a "child", and it's the head of the doubly linked list.
- A "child" entry will have prev==0, but next potentially points on. The last sibling has next=0.
- The type expresses Null/True/False/Number/String/Array/Object, all of which are #defined in
- cJSON.h
- A Number has valueint and valuedouble. If you're expecting an int, read valueint, if not read
- valuedouble.
- Any entry which is in the linked list which is the child of an object will have a "string"
- which is the "name" of the entry. When I said "name" in the above example, that's "string".
- "string" is the JSON name for the 'variable name' if you will.
- Now you can trivially walk the lists, recursively, and parse as you please.
- You can invoke cJSON_Parse to get cJSON to parse for you, and then you can take
- the root object, and traverse the structure (which is, formally, an N-tree),
- and tokenise as you please. If you wanted to build a callback style parser, this is how
- you'd do it (just an example, since these things are very specific):
- void parse_and_callback(cJSON *item,const char *prefix)
- {
- while (item)
- {
- char *newprefix=malloc(strlen(prefix)+strlen(item->name)+2);
- sprintf(newprefix,"%s/%s",prefix,item->name);
- int dorecurse=callback(newprefix, item->type, item);
- if (item->child && dorecurse) parse_and_callback(item->child,newprefix);
- item=item->next;
- free(newprefix);
- }
- }
- The prefix process will build you a separated list, to simplify your callback handling.
- The 'dorecurse' flag would let the callback decide to handle sub-arrays on it's own, or
- let you invoke it per-item. For the item above, your callback might look like this:
- int callback(const char *name,int type,cJSON *item)
- {
- if (!strcmp(name,"name")) { }
- else if (!strcmp(name,"format/type") { }
- else if (!strcmp(name,"format/width") { }
- else if (!strcmp(name,"format/height") { }
- else if (!strcmp(name,"format/interlace") { }
- else if (!strcmp(name,"format/frame rate") { }
- return 1;
- }
- Alternatively, you might like to parse iteratively.
- You'd use:
- void parse_object(cJSON *item)
- {
- int i; for (i=0;i<cJSON_GetArraySize(item);i++)
- {
- cJSON *subitem=cJSON_GetArrayItem(item,i);
- }
- }
- Or, for PROPER manual mode:
- void parse_object(cJSON *item)
- {
- cJSON *subitem=item->child;
- while (subitem)
- {
- if (subitem->child) parse_object(subitem->child);
- subitem=subitem->next;
- }
- }
- Of course, this should look familiar, since this is just a stripped-down version
- of the callback-parser.
- This should cover most uses you'll find for parsing. The rest should be possible
- to infer.. and if in doubt, read the source! There's not a lot of it! ;)
- In terms of constructing JSON data, the example code above is the right way to do it.
- You can, of course, hand your sub-objects to other functions to populate.
- Also, if you find a use for it, you can manually build the objects.
- For instance, suppose you wanted to build an array of objects?
- cJSON *objects[24];
- cJSON *Create_array_of_anything(cJSON **items,int num)
- {
- int i;cJSON *prev, *root=cJSON_CreateArray();
- for (i=0;i<24;i++)
- {
- if (!i) root->child=objects[i];
- else prev->next=objects[i], objects[i]->prev=prev;
- prev=objects[i];
- }
- return root;
- }
- and simply: Create_array_of_anything(objects,24);
- cJSON doesn't make any assumptions about what order you create things in.
- You can attach the objects, as above, and later add children to each
- of those objects.
- As soon as you call cJSON_Print, it renders the structure to text.
- The test.c code shows how to handle a bunch of typical cases. If you uncomment
- the code, it'll load, parse and print a bunch of test files, also from json.org,
- which are more complex than I'd care to try and stash into a const char array[].
- Enjoy cJSON!
- - Dave Gamble, Aug 2009