/* ********************************************************************************************************* * uC/CPU * CPU CONFIGURATION & PORT LAYER * * (c) Copyright 2004-2015; Micrium, Inc.; Weston, FL * * All rights reserved. Protected by international copyright laws. * * uC/CPU is provided in source form to registered licensees ONLY. It is * illegal to distribute this source code to any third party unless you receive * written permission by an authorized Micrium representative. Knowledge of * the source code may NOT be used to develop a similar product. * * Please help us continue to provide the Embedded community with the finest * software available. Your honesty is greatly appreciated. * * You can find our product's user manual, API reference, release notes and * more information at https://doc.micrium.com. * You can contact us at www.micrium.com. ********************************************************************************************************* */ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * * CPU CONFIGURATION FILE * * TEMPLATE * * Filename : cpu_cfg.h * Version : V1.30.02 * Programmer(s) : SR * ITJ * JBL ********************************************************************************************************* */ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * MODULE ********************************************************************************************************* */ #ifndef CPU_CFG_MODULE_PRESENT #define CPU_CFG_MODULE_PRESENT /* ********************************************************************************************************* * CPU NAME CONFIGURATION * * Note(s) : (1) Configure CPU_CFG_NAME_EN to enable/disable CPU host name feature : * * (a) CPU host name storage * (b) CPU host name API functions * * (2) Configure CPU_CFG_NAME_SIZE with the desired ASCII string size of the CPU host name, * including the terminating NULL character. * * See also 'cpu_core.h GLOBAL VARIABLES Note #1'. ********************************************************************************************************* */ /* Configure CPU host name feature (see Note #1) : */ #define CPU_CFG_NAME_EN DEF_ENABLED /* DEF_DISABLED CPU host name DISABLED */ /* DEF_ENABLED CPU host name ENABLED */ /* Configure CPU host name ASCII string size ... */ #define CPU_CFG_NAME_SIZE 16 /* ... (see Note #2). */ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * CPU TIMESTAMP CONFIGURATION * * Note(s) : (1) Configure CPU_CFG_TS_xx_EN to enable/disable CPU timestamp features : * * (a) CPU_CFG_TS_32_EN enable/disable 32-bit CPU timestamp feature * (b) CPU_CFG_TS_64_EN enable/disable 64-bit CPU timestamp feature * * (2) (a) Configure CPU_CFG_TS_TMR_SIZE with the CPU timestamp timer's word size : * * CPU_WORD_SIZE_08 8-bit word size * CPU_WORD_SIZE_16 16-bit word size * CPU_WORD_SIZE_32 32-bit word size * CPU_WORD_SIZE_64 64-bit word size * * (b) If the size of the CPU timestamp timer is not a binary multiple of 8-bit octets * (e.g. 20-bits or even 24-bits), then the next lower, binary-multiple octet word * size SHOULD be configured (e.g. to 16-bits). However, the minimum supported word * size for CPU timestamp timers is 8-bits. * * See also 'cpu_core.h FUNCTION PROTOTYPES CPU_TS_TmrRd() Note #2a'. ********************************************************************************************************* */ /* Configure CPU timestamp features (see Note #1) : */ #define CPU_CFG_TS_32_EN DEF_ENABLED #define CPU_CFG_TS_64_EN DEF_DISABLED /* DEF_DISABLED CPU timestamps DISABLED */ /* DEF_ENABLED CPU timestamps ENABLED */ /* Configure CPU timestamp timer word size ... */ /* ... (see Note #2) : */ #define CPU_CFG_TS_TMR_SIZE CPU_WORD_SIZE_32 /* ********************************************************************************************************* * CPU INTERRUPTS DISABLED TIME MEASUREMENT CONFIGURATION * * Note(s) : (1) (a) Configure CPU_CFG_INT_DIS_MEAS_EN to enable/disable measuring CPU's interrupts * disabled time : * * (a) Enabled, if CPU_CFG_INT_DIS_MEAS_EN #define'd in 'cpu_cfg.h' * * (b) Disabled, if CPU_CFG_INT_DIS_MEAS_EN NOT #define'd in 'cpu_cfg.h' * * See also 'cpu_core.h FUNCTION PROTOTYPES Note #1'. * * (b) Configure CPU_CFG_INT_DIS_MEAS_OVRHD_NBR with the number of times to measure & * average the interrupts disabled time measurements overhead. * * See also 'cpu_core.c CPU_IntDisMeasInit() Note #3a'. ********************************************************************************************************* */ #if 1 /* Configure CPU interrupts disabled time ... */ #define CPU_CFG_INT_DIS_MEAS_EN /* ... measurements feature (see Note #1a). */ #endif /* Configure number of interrupts disabled overhead ... */ #define CPU_CFG_INT_DIS_MEAS_OVRHD_NBR 1u /* ... time measurements (see Note #1b). */ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * CPU COUNT ZEROS CONFIGURATION * * Note(s) : (1) (a) Configure CPU_CFG_LEAD_ZEROS_ASM_PRESENT to define count leading zeros bits * function(s) in : * * (1) 'cpu_a.asm', if CPU_CFG_LEAD_ZEROS_ASM_PRESENT #define'd in 'cpu.h'/ * 'cpu_cfg.h' to enable assembly-optimized function(s) * * (2) 'cpu_core.c', if CPU_CFG_LEAD_ZEROS_ASM_PRESENT NOT #define'd in 'cpu.h'/ * 'cpu_cfg.h' to enable C-source-optimized function(s) otherwise * * (b) Configure CPU_CFG_TRAIL_ZEROS_ASM_PRESENT to define count trailing zeros bits * function(s) in : * * (1) 'cpu_a.asm', if CPU_CFG_TRAIL_ZEROS_ASM_PRESENT #define'd in 'cpu.h'/ * 'cpu_cfg.h' to enable assembly-optimized function(s) * * (2) 'cpu_core.c', if CPU_CFG_TRAIL_ZEROS_ASM_PRESENT NOT #define'd in 'cpu.h'/ * 'cpu_cfg.h' to enable C-source-optimized function(s) otherwise ********************************************************************************************************* */ #if 1 /* Configure CPU count leading zeros bits ... */ #define CPU_CFG_LEAD_ZEROS_ASM_PRESENT /* ... assembly-version (see Note #1a). */ #endif #if 0 /* Configure CPU count trailing zeros bits ... */ #define CPU_CFG_TRAIL_ZEROS_ASM_PRESENT /* ... assembly-version (see Note #1b). */ #endif /* ********************************************************************************************************* * CPU ENDIAN TYPE OVERRIDE * * Note(s) : (1) Configure CPU_CFG_ENDIAN_TYPE to override the default CPU endian type defined in cpu.h. * * (a) CPU_ENDIAN_TYPE_BIG Big- endian word order (CPU words' most significant * octet @ lowest memory address) * (b) CPU_ENDIAN_TYPE_LITTLE Little-endian word order (CPU words' least significant * octet @ lowest memory address) * * (2) Defining CPU_CFG_ENDIAN_TYPE here is only valid for supported bi-endian architectures. * See 'cpu.h CPU WORD CONFIGURATION Note #3' for details ********************************************************************************************************* */ #if 0 #define CPU_CFG_ENDIAN_TYPE CPU_ENDIAN_TYPE_BIG /* Defines CPU data word-memory order (see Note #2). */ #endif /* ********************************************************************************************************* * CACHE MANAGEMENT * * Note(s) : (1) Configure CPU_CFG_CACHE_MGMT_EN to enable the cache managment API. * * (2) Defining CPU_CFG_CACHE_MGMT_EN to DEF_ENABLED only enable the cache management function. * Cache are assumed to be configured and enabled by the time CPU_init() is called. ********************************************************************************************************* */ #define CPU_CFG_CACHE_MGMT_EN DEF_DISABLED /* Defines CPU data word-memory order (see Note #1). */ /* ********************************************************************************************************* * MODULE END ********************************************************************************************************* */ #endif /* End of CPU cfg module include. */